Seda, et väikeste lastega on vahepeal keeruline, ma juba teadsin. Selline vana tõde..
Aga riietamise osas on nendega küll lihtne - valid ise välja ja paned ise neile selga ka kui vaja. Keerulisemas olukorras annad paar hilpu ette, mille vahel valida võib ja on ka " hundid söönud ja lambad terved". Sina saad oma tahtmise/eelstuse ja tema tunneb, et on siiski ise otsustada saanud.
Aga vaat nende suurematega... sageli ei taha nad ise ka hetk hiljem enam seda mida väljavalinud on.
See lõng seisis roosana pool aastat kuna me ei suutnud kahepeale välja mõelda milline lõpptulemus peaks väljanägema. Seejärel sai roosast hall (nagu sooviti) ja ma jälitasin oma last selle lõngaga edasi. Nagu mingi halb unenägu. No et m i d a me sellest siis kokkuvõttes teeme.
Sai ta siis selline. Seda, et varrukad pidid plaani järele pisut puhvi tulema, enam ei soovitud ja kuigi ma nad nii kudusin, tiriti nad sirgu. No pole paha ka sedamoodi.
Vähemalt saime me koos poes sobivat paela pikalt valida. Tulime koju lillaga.
...Ja mina panin hoopis musta... justkui kättemaksuks minu piinamise eest :PP
Talle muidugi lõpptulemus meeldis :))
Pildile aga on neid m õ l e m a i d hirmus raske saada.
Väiksemat veel jälitad määda elamist fotokaga, suurema puhul näeb see kõrvalt vaadates äärmiselt kummaline välja :P.
Materjal Bergere De France Plume
But to dress of them are easy to do - you pick out the set and put them on as needed. In more complicated situation, you can give a couple of cloth item from which to choose, and can find yourself in good "sheeps are healthy and wolves are eaten"situation. You got what you wanted and she can feel like s h e made a decision.
But with these others... They often do not want anymore the things they just picked out .
This thread (she choosed) was standing as pink almoust half of year, because we could not figure out together what the result should look like in the end. Then this yarn became gray (as requested), and I chased my kid again with this yarn.. Like a bad dream. To get to know finally w h a t to do with it.
This is what it became. She wanted the sleeves would be a bit of expanding after the rib (and I did). Finally she dragged them stright. Well, not too bad in this way.
At least we got our time together in the shop, looking for a suitable ribbon. We came home with purple.
And ... I did put black ... sort of revenge for torture: PP
She liked the end result, of course :))
At least we got our time together in the shop, looking for a suitable ribbon. We came home with purple.
And ... I did put black ... sort of revenge for torture: PP
She liked the end result, of course :))