"Mängime nii, et meil on pidu!" teatas tirts ja nurus eriti nunnusid koogitaldrikuid.
Ja peo jaoks on ikka "pidukleiti" ka vaja!
" Tahan seda kleiti mis sina tegid!"
vadistas peo perenaine ja andis meile üpris otseseid vihjeid mida peaksime talle külla tulles kaasa tooma. Loooomulikult midagi magusat :)).
Kleit valmis aasta algusepoole ja oli põnnile õlgadest isegi pisut lai ja jäi kappi oma aega ootama :).
Ise vaatan, et vöö peaks ümber tegema. Liiga "paelane" näeb välja.
Kaeluses ja aluservas on ports haldjatolmu nagu printsessidele kohane.
"On ju kaunis?" küsib tirts, kohendab end natuke ja hõigub meid endile külla.
"Koputage ikka ka kui tulete!"
Peale pereliikmete viisakusvisiiti läks trall lastetoas omakeskis edasi.
Tilda nukk soovis tagasihoidlikult heegeldatud maasikaid ja "karuhaldjate kuninganna" mekkis delikaatselt meega teed :)
Ohhh...küll see lapsepõlv on vahva aeg...
"Let´s play as we have a party!" announced the little one and begged especially cute cake plates. "And I need partydress as well!"
" I want that one what you have made" she prattled and gave us quite strait hints, what should we bring with, when we will come to visit her. Sweeties of course!
" I want that one what you have made" she prattled and gave us quite strait hints, what should we bring with, when we will come to visit her. Sweeties of course!
I made this dress at the beginning of this year. It was a little bit wide for her and waited for itś time.
I think the belt needs replacement, it looks like tape.
Neckline and the lower edge got some fairy dust as it is appropriate for princess.
"isn´t it beautiful?" she asked, looking at her dress and bracelet... "and when you come, do not forget to knock! Courtesy is important!"
After our family went throught this courtesy visit, the trolling in the cildrens room went on.
"Tilda" doll had a modest wish to taste some crocheted strawberries and "bearfairy" had a pleasant cup of tea with honey...
What a wonderful time is cildhood...